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VRChat - OSC Avatar Color Changer (Preset System)

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VRChat - OSC Avatar Color Changer (Preset System)

17 ratings


I moved over to jinxxy.
You can get my tools form there:

An easy to use system to pick colors for your avatar´s eyes, hair, clothing, accessoires, effects, etc. from the HSV color space. Create and save presets with your favourite combinations and activate them using OSC.

Ther color changer comes with a unity package containing a setup wizzard. It lets you create all required animations, parameters and layers for your animation controller.

The wizzard also detects any existing setup on your avatars. Change parameters, names and animations without having to touch the animation controller.

The wizzard will provide you with a finished config file, you can use to setup the OSC app via drag and drop.

The synchronization is handled by the animation layers created by the setup. They take care of assigning the right color to the right item, locally as well as for every other player.

The last active preset is also saved by your avatar, meaning you only need to activate a preset once (It stays after a game restart or an avatar change).

Define up to 80 individually colorable items, by only using 15bits of synchronized parameter memory.

Use the full power of the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, to create unique color combinations.

You don´t have to stick to predefined or keyframed colors.

The app supports multiple configs for different avatars.

Create, edit, duplicate color presets, that can be activated by a single click.

No need for navigating through dozens of color settings, to get to the desired look, you can´t even save for reuse.

The OSC app only needs to be open when you want to change a preset. No need to have it constantly running in the background.

  • Unity 2022
  • Avatars 3.0 Manager (for the setup wizzard)

If you want to test the setup in Unity you need to add either the Av3Emulator or the Gesture Manager.

All mentioned packages can be added using the VRC Creator Companion.

  • Unity package containing the setup wizzard
  • OSC application (Windows 64bit)
  • Setup and usage tutorial


  • OSC Color Changer - initial release
  • OSC Color Changer - default color can now be picked


  • - initial release
  • - minor UI improvements
  • - File backups, preset sorting and config updates

  • When you apply the setup and close Unity, the generated expression parameters will disapear. A workaround is to open the expression parameters after you applied the setup, check and uncheck an option of a parameter (doesn´t matter which one) then save.This will ensure that the parameters stay.

  • Do not claim as your own.
  • Do not resell.
  • You may use this for your personal and public projects (both free and commercial).
  • You need to credit me by providing a link to this product page.
  • Do not provide the OSC application (the folder containing the OSC Color Changer.exe) with your projects. Due to updates and bugfixes, link to this page as a dependency.

Items used for demo Avatar:

Shirt, Hoodie, Pants by ZinPia (

Body by Minki (

Shoes by Plaz (

Face by CicieaaaVR (

Sold out, please go back and pick another option.

Color picker for VRChat avatars using OSC

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